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“...but we become our own light to guide us out of the dark tunnels.”

Hey you,

Welcome to—I am so glad you made it! I’m Sydney, and like most 20-somethings, I think a lot about my life and how I can live it the best way I can. When I was a rising college freshman, I was instantly overwhelmed with the demands of young adulthood. The obligations of school, friends, and family pulled me in every direction. 

I became increasingly aware of how sensitive I was to the world’s pressures while struggling with bouts of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. I found it nearly impossible to slow down and pay attention to my own beating heart until I learned about mindfulness, a lifestyle that’s helped me become my own safe place in a world that sometimes offers more worry than peace. 

Through young adulthood’s ups and downs, I’ve learned that a mindful life, to me, is a life uniquely designed to honor that small voice inside us that gets drowned out with the harsh realities of our world--it’s an inward journey of integrity, self-compassion, and honesty. 


While mindfulness has been a healing practice in overcoming personal challenges, I know I am not alone. We all experience moments that disallow us to fully dive into ourselves. I created to offer a space where you can discover and honor your safe place while we navigate the uncomfortable moments of life. 

Whether mindfulness is something you’ve just heard about in the last few sentences or something you commit to living every day, is a unique space for unique people like you.

When I first discovered mindfulness, I had high standards about where I should be in my journey until I came across the tools that were just right for me.  I immersed myself into books like Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now--this was the first book I ever read about mindfulness. 

The book changed my life and reignited my love of books as a young adult. Journaling and meditation also became helpful tools in living a life of mindfulness. By keeping a journal over the years, I learned to clearly express myself while gaining new understandings of what it meant to be me. Meditation became a helpful way to reflect on who and where I was. will provide you with book recommendations, mindful living discussions, and self care tools that will inspire you to take special care of the most important person in your life: you.

A personal truth I’ve learned is that when we are boldly transparent about the best and not-so-best parts of ourselves, we allow others to do the same. I'm still working my way through this awkward yet fun age of young adulthood.  

Though I provide this space for you, know that I am continually learning how to live my own mindful life—because I’ve learned that a mindful life is not a life without difficulties. A mindful life is one where we still experience difficulties, but we become our own light to guide us out of the dark tunnels. 

With, I hope kindness and transparency can be the bridges that lead us to a new love of self and of others. I want nothing more than for you to feel empowered to live the life you knowingly deserve.

With much love for you,

Sydney Jones 


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